Buying Guide For Purchase A New Car

Buying Guide For Purchase A New Car

Buying a new car is a big deal. It can have an impact on your credit, it's more than likely one of the biggest life decisions you've made so far, and you don't want anything to go wrong when it's time to make the actual purchase. It's completely natural to feel that way and to feel overwhelmed at the very aspect of buying a new car. From start to finish, though, here's an easy guide to alleviate some stress and worry from potential car buyers. Making Decisions About your Car So, you want to buy a car. Now it's time to first come up with a plan to do just that. Map out the general information you need to know before going forward. 

- Decide which city you want to get your car in.

- Do some research on the different car dealerships available in the city you're buying your future new car in. 

- Get pre-approved for one or more of these dealerships. Getting pre-approved makes you just as valuable as a customer with cash, and you can see which vehicles you may be limited to based on your credit. 

Finding your Car 

Once you have a place city, a dealership, and you've been pre-approved, it's time to move into stage two of buying a car: finding an actual car to buy. There are certain features to look out for. 

1. Type. Do you want a sedan, an SUV, a minivan, a convertible? 

2. Color. Do you want a flashy red, or a calm blue? What color options does the dealership have for the cars you're interested in? 

3. Brand. Is there a specific brand you have in mind? Do you know if you want a Ford, a Toyota, a GMC? 

4. MPG. Does the miles per gallon a vehicle can get impress you? Is that a defining factor in your decision? 

Pricing your Car 

After you have an idea of the kind of car you want, what you want it to look like, and the important features you want it to have, it's time to get a quote. Sometimes, depending on what's in stock at the time, the features a dealership is capable of providing on a vehicle, and other limitations, this step may need to be repeated for multiple vehicles. 

Test Drive your Car Now that you've gotten pre-approved, you've narrowed it down to a list of cars you want, and you've gotten a quote for each car, it's time to take them all for a drive. This may span over multiple cars and multiple dealerships, which is perfectly normal and actually recommended. Throwing your eggs all in one basket by limiting yourself to just one dealership may mean you're missing out on a better deal somewhere else. Have some variety. After taking each car for a run, gauge how you feel afterwards, how smooth the ride was, and decide if you could picture yourself driving in any of those cars permanently. This is a fairly big decision, so it's natural to take some time in thinking about it. 

Make a Decision 

Weigh out each option for each vehicle that you're looking into. There are pros and cons to every car, so it's not impossible to make a list. Write out the good and bad sides for each car. For example, one car might have added safety features but have a limited MPG, so it may not meet all of your preferences. Coming to a decision in your head before going back to the dealership and having a clear choice in your mind is the easiest way to make sure you get what you want. 

Come to an Agreement 

After coming to a final decision, which can take days or even weeks, it's time to seal the deal. Whoever you've selected as your dealer will now view your options and ensure that you can get the car that you are wanting. Work out the price with your dealer, make sure that the terms are how you want them, and don't be afraid to rebuttal or haggle to get your way. Sometimes dealers do have the ability to adjust the pricing or throw in bonus features, so it never hurts to try. 

Drive Away with your Car 

Finally, you've spent possibly months saving up, getting approved, searching, and agreeing to the vehicle of your dreams. With regular monthly payments, you'll one day own your car, and you'll be able to proudly call yourself a car owner. By staying educated about buying a car and taking your selective time, you can drive away with your dream car easily.
